Sunday, December 27, 2009

Prompt 96: Wanderlust

Thanks to Tammie Lee of Spirit Helpers for this week's prompt, wanderlust. Her are her image and poem.

wanderlust a call from the soul

in obvious and subtle ways
our world effects natural rhythms
yearning rises
to merge with depth
opening to roam a path where energy is clear
wanderlust honors a call from the soul
a journey to sync with personal rhythms
something deep
truly vital
let the moment
the wild touch soul

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How to Participate in One Single Impression

  • Post your poetry on your blog. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.

  • Come here and enter your link into Mr. Linky. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name in Mr. Linky.

  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.

  • There is a new Mr. Linky each week so you always have to sign up on the current one. Please do not sign your name on Mr. Linky unless you are participating in One Single Impression.

  • Mr. Linky will remain here forever. A list of past themes is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past theme.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Call for Prompts

It's time again to extend our list of prompts. Please send one suggestion to us in a comment on this post. We will update the schedule and post it so you can write as the spirit moves you. Also, we like to post a poem and image each Sunday with a link back to the poet who suggested the prompt. We need to have your work by the Friday before that posting date. Of course, if you finish it any time before it is schedule to run, we can prepare that post well in advance, too!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Acrostic Only

Here is a long-over due post about Acrostic Only, a wonderful poetry meme hosted by One Single Impression's longstanding friend and participant, Amias.

Amias says on the blog's homepage:

I love writing Acrostic; it is a true art form. To me, it’s the only style of poetry that one can make their own. It takes time and dedication, and a good knowledge of the English language to achieve success.

I love encouraging poets in their efforts, and always hope they would put more time and thoughts into their creations. Acrostic is a poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence. It’s not easy to master, but it’s not impossible.

As micro-blogging and other forms of fast and easy communication become more popular, it's nice to take the time to carefully craft words in the best works of art we can offer from week to week. It's also nice to support others in the blogosphere who value craft as much as communication.

We are grateful to Amias for her poetry as well as the encouraging, thoughtful, and often challenging comments she leaves each of us. Please visit Acrostic Only and see the good work Amias fosters.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Haiku Bones

Haiku Bones is a brand-new weekly haiku meme, with prompts changing every Sunday, created by brother and sister haiku aficionados Bruce Miller and Nancy Bea Miller The meme address is:

The name Haiku Bones was coined by Bruce Miller; it comes from the idea that haiku are like flexible, respiring "bones" or structure, which support the poet's ideas. Both Haiku Bones creators believe that the haiku format (three lines, of approximately 5-7-5 syllables) is an admirable platform for this creative task.

Haiku Bones is a sort of drop-in haiku coffeehouse. We hope haiku poets will stop in to see what's on the weekly menu, visit their haiku friends, and join in if the prompt interests them. If you have any weekly prompt words you'd like to suggest, please send them in:

We hope you will enjoy this new opportunity to share the pleasures of haiku!
Many thanks,
Bruce Miller
Nancy Bea Miller

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Prompt 95: Junction

Thanks to Jeeves of Silence is Poetic for this week's prompt, junction. Thanks also for the poem and image:

Cocooned in the
Junction of
Vast expanse
Of your love.
And my overstretched arms.
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How to Participate in One Single Impression

  • Post your poetry on your blog. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.

  • Come here and enter your link into Mr. Linky. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name in Mr. Linky.

  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.

  • There is a new Mr. Linky each week so you always have to sign up on the current one. Please do not sign your name on Mr. Linky unless you are participating in One Single Impression.

  • Mr. Linky will remain here forever. A list of past themes is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past theme.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Prompt 94: Spider Webs

Bobbie of Constant Current brings us this week's prompt, spider webs.
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How to Participate in One Single Impression
  • Post your poetry on your blog. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.
  • Come here and enter your link into Mr. Linky. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name in Mr. Linky.
  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.
  • There is a new Mr. Linky each week so you always have to sign up on the current one. Please do not sign your name on Mr. Linky unless you are participating in One Single Impression.
  • Mr. Linky will remain here forever. A list of past themes is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past theme.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Prompt 93: Lighthouse

Geraldine of My Poetic Path brings us this week's prompt, lighthouse. Click here to read her poem. Thank you, Geraldine!

Photo Credit: Sandy Lawrence

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How to Participate in One Single Impression

  • Post your poetry on your blog. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.

  • Come here and enter your link into Mr. Linky. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name in Mr. Linky.

  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.

  • There is a new Mr. Linky each week so you always have to sign up on the current one. Please do not sign your name on Mr. Linky unless you are participating in One Single Impression.

  • Mr. Linky will remain here forever. A list of past themes is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past theme.