Sunday, March 21, 2010

Prompt 108: Aura

Shaddrha of The Self-Love Project offers this week's prompt, aura. Thanks for this and for your poem, Shaddrha. Pelease visit her blog for the back story to this piece.

I still believe
In spite of the illusions around
In spite of the lies spread
I still believe
Most of it is fake
Just to mock and fool
Project your fears
But I still believe
There is some aura for real
I still believe
Me, the lowest of low
Me, who can be joked at, laughed at and fooled
Me, who is not sure if i am free
I still believe
+ + + + + + + +

How to Participate in One Single Impression
  • Post your poetry on your blog. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.
  • Come here and enter your link into Mr. Linky. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name in Mr. Linky.
  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.
  • There is a new Mr. Linky each week so you always have to sign up on the current one. Please do not sign your name on Mr. Linky unless you are participating in One Single Impression.
  • Mr. Linky will remain here forever. A list of past themes is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past theme.


  1. Such hope is the stuff that keeps the world turning.

  2. hi shraddha

    i like the mystical tone & tenor of ur refrain

    " i still believe "

    many thanks for a great prompt as well ..

  3. We should never stop believing, especially in ourselves. Great hope in your words to hold onto what we believe. Thanks for a great prompt this week.

  4. Thanks for a great prompt Shraddha. Hugs, G

  5. Wonderfully written about the fears and anxiety surrounding your thoughts.

  6. That unshakeable belief makes one very strong. Your poem was beautiful and empowering, and I loved your prompt!

  7. "I still believe"--I think that is the stuff that makes us move forward. I think you're on the right track. Thanks for the prompt and this post.

    All the best.

  8. Powerful and inspiring!

  9. Love this Sahddrha!

    Me, who is not sure if i am free

    Even in the face of our own doubts
    as well as that of everyone else selling theirs
    if we can feel even just the edge
    of the emanation of underlying truth
    somehow, we can't let go of it entirely...
    and perhaps by acting on it, loving it and living it
    While we can can be joked at, laughed at and fooled
    Sets us free.

    You set off good thinking in me today:)
    Thank you.

  10. ! just realised I managed to mis-type your name !

  11. ah, to believe is a powerful thing. So lovely is your poem~
