Wednesday, October 21, 2009

OSI Is A Top 10 Literature Blog

Sandy and I got an e-mail recently that informed us that has ranked OSI as a Top 10 Blog in Literature at their site. We were given a badge to put on the sidebar — you can see it on the right.

This is exciting for all of us who contribute and link to One Single Impression. We are proud, as all of you are proud, to be a part of this cooperative endeavor.

Please go to Top Blogs Literature at to see what you have all accomplished!

What is Wikio?

Wikio is an information portal with a news search engine that searches press sites and blogs. With Wikio you can very easily create pages to follow the breaking news that interests you. Our info is continuously updated! Wikio is a participative service: you can publish an article directly on the site or comment on an existing item. You can also vote for an article or a group that captures your interest in order to increase its visibility on the site. Each page offers an RSS feed that allows you to subscribe to receive the information that appears there in the reader of your choice.

I have taken some time to compile a couple of simple statistics about OSI for the past year and a half we have been in existence. We are growing! It is a slow and steady growth. You can see the data here at Google docs. There are three sheets to the spreadsheet: the participation data, the chart that graphically shows our growth and the measures of central tendency.

From March 2008 to the end of December 2008 we averaged 43 poets who participated weekly.

From January 2009 to the present we are now averaging 52 poets weekly.
That is 21% increase! I guess we are all doing a lot of stuff right.

Here is a chart demonstrating our growth —

I thank everyone of you for your participation and congratulate all of you for your award!



  1. Well earned and deserved !! This is for everyone writing here :)

  2. Congratulations Andre and Sandy for getting recognition for giving everyone a platform to express themselves.

  3. How cool is that?! Congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations - OSI is a neat idea and will continue to have success. . . I know it.

  5. Oh how wonderful! I can't see your chart Andree but I am so happy to read this post. I'm going over to have a look. OSI rocks!!! :<)

  6. I just noticed this post. How wonderful. I love participating and reading everyone's posts each week. Thank you all for hosting OSI!
