Sunday, May 31, 2009

Prompt 66: Denouement

Thanks to Floreta of Solitary Panda for this week's prompt, denouement. Here are her poem and photograph:

We begin at the end
Resolution raises
Act II strings
Warm malaise
Questioning unknowns

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Mr. Linky appears to work right now. However, you may not see Mr. Linky on past posts. This is because I have to re-code each individual post. I have now re-coded Prompts 59 (April 11, 2009) to 83 (Sept. 28, 2009). I will be re-coding all old posts as quickly as I can.
Because of the Mr. Linky problems, you may find this blog (and all Mr. Linky blogs) is loading slowly. This seems to be because it has to load individual Mr. Linkys for each post instead of using the script calls from the template. This problem may continue forever. But at least we have Mr. Linky now.
Thank you.

If Mr. Linky is not working, please go to the comments and individually click
each participant to visit them.
To open a new window for each participant:
Mac: apple-click on the link to open new tab.
Mac: CTRL-click on link to choose where to open the link.
PC: right click on the link and open new tab or window.
Thank you!
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How to Participate in One Single Impression
  • Post your poetry on your blog. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.
  • Come here and enter your link into Mr. Linky. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name in Mr. Linky.
  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.
  • There is a new Mr. Linky each week so you always have to sign up on the current one. Please do not sign your name on Mr. Linky unless you are participating in One Single Impression.
  • Mr. Linky will remain here forever. A list of past themes is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past theme.


  1. We may or may not have Mr. Linky?
    Lately he's been really sort of kinky.
    I hope Mr. Linky will return soon.
    Mr. Linky, we need you sorely now.

  2. Thank you to Floreta for the prompt. Denouement. I liked the way you started at the end and worked your way back to the questions. Because in the end there are only more questions.

    You can find my offering at:

  3. Thanks Floreta, for the prompt. I liked your verse very much. Here is mine:

    the air hisses and crackles

  4. Just in case Mr Linky goes down again you can find mine here.

  5. Love the idea of denouement being just a breath away from possibilities! Delightful poem!

    Here is a link to mine in case Mr Linky vanishes.

    Sacred Rust

  6. Mine is on my home page. Thanks, all for hanging in there!

  7. thanks on the work on mr. linky, sounds it a lot of work

    anyway, my poem is here or here:

  8. Dear Floreta--
    Loved your poem, mucho gusto--

    Thanks for the prompt!

  9. We begin at the end - such a beautiful opening, and a great prompt. Makes me think of Alexander and the King Gordius's knot - thinking of the literal unknotting sense.

  10. Excellent prompt and poem Floreta! Hope everyone had a great weekend :)

    Peace,JanePoet ~ JP/deb

  11. I followed Poetikat here, and I wrote a poem. Linky problems? Find it here:
