Monday, September 1, 2008

Update: A Couple of Schedule Changes

The list of future prompts has changed a tiny bit (our thanks to Geraldine of My Poetic Path) so that they would be more timely. The changes are for September 21, October 5, December 21, January 18, January 25 and February 22. Here is the new schedule:

DatePromptContributing Blog
September 7 - 13 Defenses Down Raven's Wing Poetry
September 14 - 20 Seeds Teri's Mandalas
September 21 - 27 Autumn Teri's Mandalas
September 28 -October 4
Fleeting Genre Cookshop
October 5 - 11 SerendipityBarb's Haiku
October 12 - 18 Gold Greyscale Territory
October 19 - 25 Never Ending Rooted
October 26 -November 1
Gift My Bellavia
November 2 - 8 Disguise Don't Take My Wings
November 9 - 15 Paradox Forest River Journal
November 16 - 22 Courage Barb's Haiku
November 23 - 29 Childhood Memories
My Poetic Path
November 30 -December 6
Welcoming Genre Cookshop
December 7 - 13 Doodles Teri's Mandalas
December 14 - 20 Distractions Don't Take My Wings
December 21 - 27 A Winter's Day
My Poetic Path
December 28 -January 3, 2009

Stardust Words That Sing
January 4 - 10 Skin Don't Take My Wings
January 11 - 17 A Summer's Day My Poetic Path
January 18 - 24 Fading Memories
My Poetic Path
January 25 - 31 If Only I Had Time
Greyscale Territory
February 1 - 7 Slowly Genre Cookshop
February 8 - 14 Movement Don't Take My Wings
February 15 - 21 Spectral Rooted
February 22 - 28 Twilight Rooted
March 1 - 7 Circles

(OSI 1st Anniversary)
Forest River Journal
March 8 - 14 Fork in the Road My Poetic Path
March 15 - 21 Farewells Genre Cookshop
Thank you to all of our contributors!


  1. This is a great list of prompts! I've already chosen many on the list to participate when they come up. Well done to everyone who offered their suggestions.

  2. Interesting to know.

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